Below you will find how we, annotates
the document bearing the stamp of professor Janez Mesesnel
together with an illegible signature.

The headline: "Schätzung eines älteren Gemäldes eines ausländischen Künstlers", (in english):

Estimated value on an old picture from a foreign art painter, in it self, is misleading when looking upon the full text in the letter. What Mr Mesesnel really does is quite different, namely he talkes about the value of genuine Gauguin painting in that he says: (quote)

“Unter Berücksichtigung der Marktlage schätze ich, dass das gegenständliche Bild als Original auf dem Europäischen Markt einen Wert von DM 7.000.000 (i W sieben Millionen) hat bzw. den entsprechenden Gegenwert in der nationalen Wärung“, (in english):

As a genuine Gauguin, I estimate that the value, had it been a real Gauguin, would, to the best of my knowledge, bring about DM 7.000.000, when put for sale at an auction

. conclusion:

This document cannot be considered a proof for genuineness.


As to the letter there is no doubt in our minds that professor Mesesnel has done his best to give a thru "picture" of what he has observed, that is that these particular pictures come from an époque known as the post-impressionistic period and also that the picture is painted in the style of Gauguin probably from some unknown artist at that time, who tried to copy the master’s hand. We do not say that this is done with the purpose of trying to cheat somebody. Nowadays many famous artists are copied from pupils of art, and this is quite a normal procedure learning to become an artist, surging and hopefully finding one’s own style.


Below a letter recieved on April, 14 2005 from The City Museum of Ljubljana (quote):

Dear Mr Preben Juul Madsen,
We received your e-mail regarding the confirmation of two paintings being genuine works by Paul Gauguin written by Mr Janez Mesesnel. As he wrote the confirmation as an independent expert and not as an employee of The city museum of Ljubljana we advise you to contact him directly about this matter.
Best regards,
Urša Karer
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